Monday, April 25, 2011

Why aren't banks lending?? gee....I wonder...

, the world center of the Austrian School of economics and libertarian political and social theory, contains many interesting and in-depth articles. Although many of us are up-to-date on political issues, the nitty-gritty details of the country's economic woes are not well understood. And the government certainly prefers it that way. With banks back on their feet, having paid back TARP bailout 'loans' with interest, why aren't people able to get mortgages? The linked article reveals that there is an incestuous symbiotic relationship between government and the banks, and WE the little people are simply getting screwed. Serfdom, anyone??

(excerpt from the article...)
This chart represents the amount of money our nation's banks keep on deposit with the Federal Reserve. So you see, the newly created money is being held by the banks, who instead of loaning it out to folks who would like to refinance their houses and businesses who might expand and hire (which is what the Fed intended), they (the banks) just redeposit the free money back with the Fed, and earn massive amounts of interest.

What? Are you kidding me? The banks got bailed out from billions of dollars in bad loans that they issued, then they got literally $1.2 trillion (as you can see from the chart above) of free money that they then turned around and invested in Treasuries, the interest on which is one of Obama's biggest line-item budget expenses. Are we living in an Ayn Rand novel? How would you like to get free money to invest, the interest on which is guaranteed by the government's taxation authority (and guns)?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Snarker in Chief...

Obama is simply not Presidential material. He put on a good show during the 2008 campaign, and the country had high hopes for him. However, he has blown it. He never unifies, he always divides. So much for the post-partisan President. He can't seem to realize that his $800B stimulus, Obamacare, and running $1+ TRILLION deficits PER YEAR are actually the reason our economy has not yet recovered. Never has a President blamed his predecessor as much as Obama; it's getting quite tiresome. ("W" had enough class to bring Obama and McCain to the White House to get their agreement on the TARP Bailout package of $800B, of which W released approximately half and left the rest for his successor.) Get over it Bam; it's your watch now. Better wake up before it's too late. However, leadership and decisiveness are not garnered overnight, and it is likely too late for Obama. He simply doesn't have those qualities. Christie, Ryan, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Trump - wonder why they are seen as viable 2012 candidates? They lead, they succeed, and they provide straight talk to the American people. People gravitate toward decisive leaders, not snarky politicians who stoke flames and constantly place blame on everyone but themselves.

Obama’s Character Defect
Peter Wehner 04.15.2011 - Commentary Online

In his remarks last night, President Obama had this to say: “When Paul Ryan says his priority is to make sure he’s just being America’s accountant . . . this is the same guy that voted for two wars that were unpaid for, voted for the Bush tax cuts that were unpaid for, voted for the prescription drug bill that cost as much as my health care bill—but wasn’t paid for. So it’s not on the level.”

What a nice ending to an ugly week.

Put out of your mind the fact that Bush’s tax cuts, especially the ones in 2003, led to economic growth that in 2007 helped to trim the deficit to barely more than one percent of GDP. Set aside the fact that the prescription drug plan Ryan supported was less than half the cost of what Democrats were proposing. Forget too that the free-market reforms helped the new plan beat its cost projections by around 40 percent. The point is that Obama has decided to get down and dirty this week rather than to engage the fiscal debate in a serious and honest fashion. Even Mark Halperin of Time magazine, a fine, fair, but not terribly unsympathetic-to-Obama reporter, agreed that Obama crossed a line in his speech this week by saying, in Halperin’s words, “They’re not American in their proposal.”

It isn’t enough to say Obama is doing what others in the past have done, although Obama seems to do it more often and with more relish. He predicated his 2008 campaign on putting an end to what he called “the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.” It is Obama who, upon accepting the nomination of the Democratic Party, declared that “one of the things that we have to change in our politics is the idea that people cannot disagree without challenging each other’s character and patriotism.” And it was Obama who promised, on the night of his election, “I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree.”

It was also President Obama who cautioned earlier this year, in his remarks after the aftermath of the Tucson massacre, “[A]t a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized—at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who think differently than we do—it’s important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds.” And it was Obama who told Republicans at a retreat in January 2010, “[W]e’re not going to be able to do anything about any of these entitlements if what we do is characterize whatever proposals are put out there as, ‘Well, you know, that’s—the other party’s being irresponsible. The other party is trying to hurt our senior citizens. That the other party is doing X, Y, Z.’ ”

But now that he finds himself intellectually outmatched by Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, and in a precarious situation when it comes to his reelection, Obama is dropping his past civility sermons down the memory hole. Decency and respect for others has suddenly become passé. Talking about our disagreements without being disagreeable has been overtaken by events. Not impugning the character of the opposition is fine as long as it’s convenient, but it’s to be ignored whenever necessary. Challenging people’s character, their motivations, and their patriotism is back in fashion. And so, in Barack Obama’s world, the Republican vision for America consists of crumbling roads, collapsing bridges, young people unable to go to college, grandparents unable to afford nursing home care, and—this one is particularly classy—autistic and Down’s Syndrome children will have to fend for themselves.

Incompetence in a president is not a character defect, but acting so crudely and cynically is.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oops...Israel was right after all...

Whoops! The JUDGE from the UN Human Rights Council that investigated charges that Israel deliberately targeted civilians in the brief war with Hamas a few years ago has CHANGED HIS MIND. Will the UN do anything with this new information? No, the original report made Israel look bad, and that is just fine with the UN. Can you imagine IF the positions were reversed? A UN Council would never have found that Hamas deliberately targeted civilians (which they actually do). There would have been some kind of 'reason' that would have justified it. THEN, if it was found that Hamas had indeed not deliberately targeted civilians, there would have been news coverage galore.....How could the UN have been so insensitive? What can the world community do to make it up to Hamas? How does this reflect on world values? Is this really the world's fault....aren't we all to blame?? It would go on, and on, and on..... BUT, NO. This revelation about Israel is getting very little coverage. Who cares? It's just a smear against Israel. And that's allowed, right? At the UN it is not only allowed, it is expected.

Mr. Goldstone’s Regrets
By Boston Herald Editorial Staff Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In the midst of the continuing bombardment of southern Israel, the jurist who headed the U.N. uman Rights Council fact-finding mission into the Gaza war of 2008-2009 has now recanted his damning assessment of Israeli conduct. “If I had known then what I know now,” wrote Richard Goldstone on the op-ed page of the Washington Post, “the Goldstone Report would have been a different document.”

Goldstone, a retired chief justice of South Africa’s Constitutional Court who had also prosecuted war criminals from the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, now, he wrote, has the benefit of a subsequent report by another panel named by the U.N. to follow up on his report. That second report found “Israel has dedicated significant resources to investigate over 400 allegations of operation misconduct in Gaza” while Hamas officials “have not conducted any investigations into the launching of rocket and mortar attacks against Israel.”

The astonishing thing is, of course, that Goldstone found this somehow surprising — that Israel with its long-standing respect for the rule of law would investigate possible military misconduct, while Hamas, which knows only the rule of the gun, would not.

Of course, the government of Israel did itself no favors by announcing ahead of time it had no intention of cooperating with Goldstone’s investigation. That was just plain stupid.

Goldstone for his part conceded the “history of bias against Israel” by the U.N. Human Rights Council might have had something to do with that. Now he calls upon that council to condemn the continuing rocket bombardment of southern Israel permitted by Hamas and, as he put it, “the cold-blooded slaughter of a young Israeli couple and three of their small children in their beds” on the West Bank.

Frankly, we’re not holding our breath on that one, and neither should Goldstone. And a spokesman for the Council said of the now disputed report, “U.N. reports are not canceled on the basis of an op-ed in a newspaper.”

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

That's My Guy...

I love this guy.....Paul Ryan has the financial know-how, the political will, and the personality to sell this initiative. He went toe-to-toe with Obama during the healthcare bipartisan conference charade (it was more like a lecture...remember? "I won"). Paul Ryan is the ONLY person in DC that is actually trying to DO something, rather than simply trying to preserve the status quo and/or keep their seat. Of course Ryan will be pilloried by the Dems and their patsies in the media, but he is moving forward. Go, Paul, Go!! And in 2012, Run, Paul, Run!!