Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Enough already....!!!

Obama the Ubiquitous!! We can't get away from this guy! I don't begrudge the President, or anyone, the fun of selecting teams for their brackets for March Madness. It's fun! But for goodness sake, this guy has no concept of the image he is projecting. This is quite paradoxical since during his campaign his image was quite carefully crafted. However, the curtain has been pulled back and we have come to learn that he is ALL image, no substance. Now we see that he is also losing focus on his image. He appears to be unaware of the detatched image he is presenting to the world routinely - Iran 2009, voices of the American people against healthcare in 2009, voices of the voters against govt spending in 2010, Egypt, Bahrain, Lybia, Japan, and a deluge of poor economic indicators within the last few months. Sports are great, some (like football) are even wonderful! Participation by the President should always be welcome. George W. Bush had a little league field constructed on a portion of the White House lawn and sponsored games for kids every year he was in office. Did MLB or ESPN cover that? Did they fawn over the fact that the President was so interested in baseball and the kids? Funny, I don't recall you??

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