Saturday, June 25, 2011

Incompetent in Chief

Can you imagine if George W. Bush did this??!! Pres Obama presented the Medal of Honor to the FIRST LIVING RECIPIENT of the medal LAST YEAR, but he couldn't remember his name. He confused him with a soldier from Ft Drum, who was indeed killed in the line of duty while speaking to the troops at Ft Drum, and to whom Pres obama presented the Medal of Honor posthumously in 2009. This is unbelievable. It confirms that he cares nothing for the military, except to use them when he gets pushed into military action by the UN and NATO (Libya) because really now, the US isn't actually in charge of its own military decisions, is it?? Or when he can use them as a political tool, i.e. the hasty withdrawl of troops from Afghanistan, just in time for Election Day! Obama is imploding rapidly, but with the state controlled media feeding info to most citizens, it will be a while before people realize it.

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