Sunday, January 16, 2011


This idea of "sitting together" at the State of the Union is ridiculous! It's simply a ploy by the Dems to: 1) not let the viewing public see how the Rep numbers have grown, and 2) prolong the constant whining about 'bipartisanship' (which means agreeing w/the Dems and the media). Contact your Republican Representative and Senator, and tell them to resist this Dem publicity stunt. Reminiscent of when the Senate was split, 50-50, with a Rep Pres & VP. The Reps 'shared' everything w/the Dems and never acted like the Majority Party. Excuse me, when the Pres & VP are Rep, the Senate is Rep. Who breaks a tie in the Senate? The VP! Memo to Reps in the House: act like the Majority that you are, lest you loose it in '12!!

1 comment:

  1. It's not Left vs Right, it's the State vs You. --Bipartisanship between two big-government oriented parties will only lead to bigger government. Any hope for improvement that I hold will depend on the vote to raise the debt ceiling. If the tea party wing of the Republican Party caves and votes yes, then we can expect more growth in the size and scope of the federal government.
