Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thumbs Down on SOTU...

Excerpts and links to three articles below. The general consensus is that Obama gave a boring and empty SOTU speech last night. He blathered on and on, like most President's do, but what he actually said was either useless or harmful to our nation. He never seems to have the best interests of Americans in mind, but he tries to sound like he does. The American people aren't buying it anymore....

1) "Obama does not seem like a leader anymore." (Ben Stein is not amused...)
There were two glimpses of the old Obama -- when he slammed "subsidies" for oil companies, which of course do not get any subsidies, but have business deductions the way every other business does, he sounded every bit like the envious skinny Harvard man he once was. When he railed against tax breaks that he considered identical to government spending, that was outright socialism. That concept implies that all the income in the nation belongs to the state, and that if we let working people keep any of it, that is the same as a government expenditure. The opposite is true. The income belongs to the people, and they allow government to have some of it. But, of course, the servant has become the master now.

2) (Obama in outerspace...)
The sense of national purpose that followed the Sputnik launch was not based on an abstract sense of the need for better education programs; it was a national security emergency. In those days lagging behind in the technology race could literally be fatal. Mr. Obama has failed to conjure the same sense of looming disaster, excepting the national state of alarm over his irresponsible deficit spending.
Maybe when the red flag is flying on the lunar surface the United States will have a true Sputnik moment, the shocked realization that while the rest of mankind is making giant leaps, Obama’s America can manage only small steps.

3) "Limited government and free enterprise have helped make America the greatest nation on earth." Paul Ryan (R), WI

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